How to panic clean - Blogmas 9

I fucking hate cleaning. I also get myself into a massive state when my house is messy, so I thought at this time of year you might have people coming over and want to get your place into a semi presentable state without spending hours cleaning. So, here's my foolproof way into tricking people into thinking you have your shit together.

1) Go through every room with a bin bag.

If you're anything like us rubbish just accumulates, especially when you have a puppy that will destroy all recycling on sight. So just run around, scoop it all into the bag and you'll feel like something's been done.

2) Clear the surfaces

Now with any luck, step 1 covered most of this, pick all the crap of the big surfaces in the main rooms anyone will be in. This might just mean shoving it all in a box at the end but it will instantly make your space look less cluttered.

3) Hoover

Hopefully this shouldn't take too long and again, makes it looks like you've cleaned properly.

4) Shove a bit of bleach down the toilet and sinks.
Yep, posing with bleach #aestheticblog

Self explanatory. And smells like clean.

5) Wash up.

IM SORRY. But a pile of dishes is going to give you away, if there's not that much then you can just fill up your sink with soapy water and throw it all in there.

I hope this helps and didn't make you think I'm a massive slob that never cleans properly.

Tomorrow: The badass women of Harry Potter
