Oh- kay. So after two posts I disappeared for a month, not the best start but I feel like May has been pretty busy for me, even if in writing it only comes down to two things. Here's what happened in May.
I got a tattoo. In November, Nastia Zoltin posted this #wannado on Instagram, I've kept my eye out to see if anyone had got it since then a I was holding out to go to Berlin next year to get it. Then I saw she was in London and by the time I found out she only had two spaces left (blame the algorithm) . I think I sent her two Instagram messages and an email in the end, but I got a space. I've always gone on my own to get my tattoos but my Mum insisted on coming with me for this one as "Shoreditch is dodgy"and in the end I was grateful she was there when I was flagging on the way home. I am so happy with the colours in the tattoo and it's healed nicely too.
We got a puppy. Meet our Riley, she's a Cocker Spaniel x Whippet and we love her far too much. I don't have much to say about her other than she is very cuddly, fucking mental, and we can't wait until we can finally take her on walks. She is currently asleep on my legs and I feel very loved.
Another thing worth mentioning is that the day we got Riley my parents got engaged. They've been together 25 years and regretted it slightly the second everyone started to make a song and dance about it, so i'm trying to keep my excitement on the down low. I was in genuine shock when I found out but I'm so happy for them.
I haven't been to the gym at all this month and my mental health has suffered for it. Let's just hope for a fresh start next month, and hope my ext post isn't "What happened in June".
Also, i'm publishing this without reading it over, just thought I'd let you know.
I got a tattoo. In November, Nastia Zoltin posted this #wannado on Instagram, I've kept my eye out to see if anyone had got it since then a I was holding out to go to Berlin next year to get it. Then I saw she was in London and by the time I found out she only had two spaces left (blame the algorithm) . I think I sent her two Instagram messages and an email in the end, but I got a space. I've always gone on my own to get my tattoos but my Mum insisted on coming with me for this one as "Shoreditch is dodgy"and in the end I was grateful she was there when I was flagging on the way home. I am so happy with the colours in the tattoo and it's healed nicely too.
We got a puppy. Meet our Riley, she's a Cocker Spaniel x Whippet and we love her far too much. I don't have much to say about her other than she is very cuddly, fucking mental, and we can't wait until we can finally take her on walks. She is currently asleep on my legs and I feel very loved.
Another thing worth mentioning is that the day we got Riley my parents got engaged. They've been together 25 years and regretted it slightly the second everyone started to make a song and dance about it, so i'm trying to keep my excitement on the down low. I was in genuine shock when I found out but I'm so happy for them.
I haven't been to the gym at all this month and my mental health has suffered for it. Let's just hope for a fresh start next month, and hope my ext post isn't "What happened in June".
Also, i'm publishing this without reading it over, just thought I'd let you know.
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